Monday, October 22, 2012

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Tuesday, October 16, 2012

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He is still cranky in the car, head confusion, the cars do not know when to stop, the driver let him off, he'll get off, forget the drivers how they did not find him to be fare, looked up, which is Where, where such a crowded train station?
Liu Zhaolin surprised, at this time, behind a sudden movement, Liu Zhaolin not come back to his head to cast a black cloth bag, a black eyes, what is invisible.
to seize the robbers, the robbers seems more than a driver of a Liu Zhaolin fear screamed: Suffered a bitter blow, stomach pain Liu Zhaolin twist the body, tears, nasal discharge, uniform flow out of his anxious and shouted: Do not get involved, Keep Cool! Those robbers, but without any explanation to give him a meal Tongzou, he threw a few people on the ground in front punched and kicked him, Liu Zhaolin pain and fainted away, these things again him, including a wallet, mobile phones, watches, even with designer suits him and rub bright shoes are not spared.
Liu Zhaolin wake up to the cold, he was covered in only one set of underwear and thin socks, no matter how cold underwear to keep warm, so northwest China in this time of the next instant gave the cold wind blows through, cold Liu Zhaolin straight fight shiver.
the howl sound but also frightened.
Excitedly to the northwest, out of ulterior motives, even the colleagues without notice, even if it is found missing, find here probably have a few days time, to when he had cold dead, and then think of the wild wolf that awful smell, Liu Zhaolin despair, even

Friday, October 12, 2012

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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

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